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“Bye-Bye- 2006” (Std VIII)

Lesson Plan
“Bye-Bye- 2006”

Dimdima Printed Magazine.
Vol No.3 No.11 December 2006
Page 46-47

1. Name of the Teacher G.Arunasree
2. School Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan’s Public School
Road no 71,Jubilee hills, Hyderabad –33
3.Class 8th Class
4.Duration of the lesson 40 minutes
5.Name of the topic “Bye-Bye- 2006”

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6.Testing previous knowledge Teacher asks some questions based on current affairs and GK.
7. Motivation Teacher conducts GK quiz among the students for10 minutes
8.Declaration of the topic Teacher declares the topic of the lesson
9.Teaching Points 1. Current affairs
4.Science and Technology
5.Cinema and Arts
10.Lesson Summary: a) Teacher’s activity:

Teacher asks students to read the article “Bye-Bye 2006” in Dimdima December 2006 issue. Teacher discuss those 16 eventful happenings from Jan 2006 to Nov 2006. Teacher asks the students to give some more important events which took place in the year 2006.Teacher asks them to list the events-regional, National and International. Teacher asks students to prepare a project on the topic “Review-2006” in which students are expected to write all the important events with photographs or illustrations for the year 2006.The teacher advises the students to use magazines, library, Internet etc.

b) Pupil’s Activity:

Students read Bye-Bye 2006 in Dimdima 2006 December issue. They develop interest to know more about the happenings in the year 2006.They actively participate in the interactive session held by the teacher. They recollect important days, celebrations, and events and list them month wise and region wise. Students will use library, Internet and prepare a calendar of events titled “Review- 2006”. Students put up their calendar on the display board for these to read.
This ensures active participation and team work among students and enables them to remember the all-major events of the year 2006.

11. Students Objectives and learning out comes:
  1. Knowledge: Pupils recall and recollect the major events in the year 2006.
  2. Understanding: Pupils with their knowledge list the events month wise.
  3. Comprehension: Pupils differentiae the events regional, National and International wise.
  4. Application: Pupils prepare calendar of the events in the year 2006.
  5. Skill: Pupils illustrates the events and write catchy slogans.
  6. Analysis: Pupils refer books, magazines Internet and collect relevant information.
  7. Synthesis: Pupils justify their collection of events by arranging them in the calendar.
  8. Evaluation: Students judge themselves as they are achieving higher order thinking skills.
12.Methodology Project based learning Interactive method.
13.Aids Used
  1. Dimdima December 2006 issue
  2. Newspapers
  3. GK magazines
  4. Internet
14. Accommodation to support different levels of learners:

a). Resource Students:
Gathering information, cuttings, pasting, and drawing, Illustrations, Arranging the events in sequence makes resource students work with efficiency.
b) Gifted Students
: Collecting Information through different sources, designing the calendar makes gifted students excel.